Frequently asked questions

Where are you located?

I am in Lincolnton, North Carolina.

I don't live near Lincolnton, or can't get there frequently. What are my options?

I can only see clients who are in North Carolina at this time. But if you are in North Carolina and are appropriate and willing to participate in online counseling, that is definitely an option.

How much do you charge for sessions?

Contact Red Sea Road Counseling for current pricing. A sliding scale or discount may be available to some individuals. Fees for private pay will be discussed prior to the first session and are due at the time of each session. Late cancel/no-show charges are also enforceable. Before or at your first appointment you will receive written documentation, and agree to, information regarding pricing and payment policies to comply with the No Surprises Act.

What types of payments do you accept?

Cash, Card, and/or HSA plans. You do not have to pay the same way each session.

Do you accept insurance?

No, not at this time. This may change in the future. However, there are many benefits to paying privately for mental health services.

If you wish to seek reimbursement for services from your health insurance company, I will be happy to provide that documentation for you. Please inform me prior to scheduling if you need said documentation. Please note that reimbursement will be determined by the individual healthcare policy at the time the claim is received and Red Sea Road Counseling has no bearing on that determination. It is recommended that you contact your health insurance provider prior to beginning services to determine if you are eligible for reimbursement, if you are seeking reimbursement.

Do you have to have a card on file to be seen for services?

Not at this time. However, a lot of mental health professionals are having to enforce this as a new policy due to increasing costs and continued no-show/late cancellations. This may be a policy I have to introduce in the future.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.

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